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Étiquette : sql

SQL Index and co.

SQL Index and co.

In research progress in development, we need to have a good structure of our DataBase. Today I will show you the importance of a great organisation in your Data! His name is “index”. First of all, what are the basics of this idea? Based on: … What that: Structured Query Language (SQL). What for? Permit a communication with the database. How? Allow to write scripts. Ok, now we can begin : First of all: How to use index? To fully understand…

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Data Protections.

Data Protections.

In research progress in development, you must keep in mind the protection for your data. Today i will show you dependency of protetcions. It has a lot of name, because it has a lot of breaches. First of all, what are the basics of this idea ? Based on : Here I use SQL langage What that : It’s a langage uses to manipulate database. What for ? It’s to create and manipulate information. How ? With scripts and that’s why it’s dangerous. Ok, now…

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When it comes to database and DBMS (Data Base Management System), one question should come to mind : Should I use SQL (Structured Query Language) or NoSQL (Not Only SQL or No SQL) databases.Well, it depends on every projects. Both systems will store your datas but each of them has its way. The primary difference is that SQL databases are relational while NoSQL databases are non-relational. Then, NoSQL databases have dynamic schema for unstructured data while SQL databases use structured…

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