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Étiquette : Java

Exception (Java)

Exception (Java)

Ok now we can begin: First of all: How to keep calm? Breath and read calmly all information throw at you. How to use? It’s written just after that. Is it ok ? Now we can finally use it ! First step and first example. Take a code where it asks for birthday. You can write a birthday like what’s you have been asking for or you can do like Paul and writes his name on the sentence. First possibility to do…

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Java Swing

Java Swing

Swing in Java is a lightweight GUI toolkit which has a wide variety of widgets for building optimized window based applications. It is a part of the JFC (Java Foundation Classes). It is build on top of the AWT API and entirely written in Java. It is platform independent unlike AWT and has lightweight components. Here you can see the hierarchy of Java Swing classes: A Swing application must contain at least one container class. Here are three types of…

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Encapsulation in Java

Encapsulation in Java

One of the most important features of object-oriented programming is encapsulation. This feature allows us to isolate the data of our objects from the access of other external objects, and thus restrict direct access to the attributes or methods that we do not want to allow, since the state of an object is generally hidden. To define visibility in Java, reserved words are available : Public Allows access from any class to any method or attribute defined with this modifier….

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Embedded Databases

Embedded Databases

An embedded database doesn’t need a server: data is stored on the same machine as the application that uses it (typically in a sub-folder of the application). Advantages Extremely fast read/write operations. Not dependent on a database hosting service, avoiding all associated costs. No need for a network connection because queries are executed locally. Drawbacks The database is not shared between different machines, and is therefore limited to storing local data. Execution speed of queries is harder to predict because…

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What’s JAVA 3D? Java 3D is an addition to Java for displaying three-dimensional graphics (3D) using a true object-oriented approach. Java 3D and its documentation are available for download separately, they are not part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). With the use of Java 3D, it is easy to create virtual worlds with lighting, texture mapping, behaviors, and other features that immerse users in a visual and interactive experience. Indeed, Java 3D allows you to create virtual worlds complete…

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En programmation la console c’est bien mais rapidement tout programme qui doit être utilisé par un humain devra avoir une « Interface utilisateur graphique » « Un programme avec des fenêtres » Pour faire cela il faut utilisé une bibliothèque. Il y a plein de différentes bibliothèques soient spécifiques à un OS ou des bibliothéques multiplateformes. Je vais vous parler de Qt une bibliothèque multiplateforme écrite en C++. Déjà Qt est multiplateforme c’est à dire que le programme une fois terminé pourra…

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