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ECMAScript, focus on 2021’s features

ECMAScript, focus on 2021’s features

ECMA, What is it ? European Computer Manufacturers Association is the historic name given to the industry association dedicated to the standardization of information and communication systems. Currently this company is called Ecma International. And ECMAScript ? It’s a group of norms dedicated to type Script’s programming language and standardizing by Ecma International for ECMA-262 specification. This norms permits to manage different scripts like JavaScript or ActionScript.   What’s up in the web sphere? This company has approved the last version of ECMAScript…

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Learn how to debug JavaScript using the DevTools browser debugger

Learn how to debug JavaScript using the DevTools browser debugger

Debugging is one of those skills at the heart of a programmer’s business. Sometimes we try our best, but the program does not work properly, for example it crashes, it is just slow, or it prints out wrong information. What do you do when a program you’ve written doesn’t behave as expected ? You start to debug it. Determine where the error might be The first step is always to look at what is going on and try to determine…

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Pace.js, automatic page load progress bars

Pace.js, automatic page load progress bars

Pace.js is a lightweight (~4kb minified and gzipped) and standalone JavaScript library to create beautiful progress indicators for your page load and ajax request. It automatically monitors AJAX requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress. On ajax navigation it will begin again. Pace.js currently comes with 15 themes and 10 color variables, you can customize all these themes. Minimal Flash Barber Shop Mac OSX Fill Left Flat Top Big Counter Corner…

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Event Delegation in JavaScript

Event Delegation in JavaScript

1.- Event The events are actions that occur when we interact with a web, for example, when we click on a button, write in an input text. They are the way html and javascript interact. When an event is triggered, the browser notifies the application that something has happened and that it needs to be handled. Events are controlled by javascript functions, so when that event occurs, the browser alerts our function that is listening that it should be executed….

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difference between : .forEach(), .map(), .filter().

difference between : .forEach(), .map(), .filter().

.forEach(), .map(), .filter() look realy similar but some point can change. forEach: is used to execute the same code on every element in an array but does not change the array and it returns undefined. .map(): executes the same code on every element in an array and returns a new array with the updated elements. .filter(): checks every element in an array to see if it meets a certain criteria and returns a new array with the elements that return…

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If we go by the definition of technological watch, writing about velocity would not be the first subject that would come to mind. As matter of fact, it has been around for a while but little do we know about this library. Therefore, allow me to reintroduce you to Velocity.js. So, what is Velocity.js? Velocity is a free, lightweight library that lets us easily add animations to our sites, ranging from the simplest of animations to the most complex. Velocity…

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The state of the art JavaScript Frameworks

The state of the art JavaScript Frameworks

Over the years, JavaScript is commonly used in the development of professional web pages, both on front-end and back-end. Also, it is a very powerful scripting language, widely used for controlling web page behavior. As per the survey by Github for top languages over the year, Javascript is leading the race consecutively 8th year in a row. A software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code. JavaScript framework is an…

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JavaScript Loops Explained

JavaScript Loops Explained

In JavaScript, loops are used to conduct repeated activities based on a condition.When conditions are analyzed, they usually return true or false.A loop will continue to run until the specified condition is false. The three most common types of loops are for while do while You can type js for, js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. Let’s look at them, and some variations, in more detail now. for loop Syntax The javascript…

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Svelte is a new uprising client side tool which is definitely worth learning. We will guide you through the basic steps required to setup a Svelte Project and display a simple component. What is Svelte used for? Svelte is a new framework that can be used to create user interface just like other frameworks like React and Vue. The major update in Svelte does most of the code conversion to lower level at compile time itself. Since the work is…

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HTML5 form controls

HTML5 form controls

From HTML5 the control of forms is possible directly in the html input thanks to the pattern attribute and its value in the form of a regex. A regex is a regular expression, in other words a very powerful text control filter verifying the validity of information. Before HTML5, control of forms had to be done in JavaScript and its use was less convenient. The pattern attribute is compatible on browsers: Firefox 4+ Chrome 5+ Opera 9.6+ Internet explorer 10+…

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