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Buffer Overflow

Buffer Overflow

What is a Buffer Overflow and when does it happen ? A buffer overflow is an anomaly that occurs when a software writing data to a buffer exceeds the capacity of the buffer, causing adjacent memory locations to be overwritten.In other words, too much information is transmitted in a container that does not have enought space, and this information ends up replacing the data in the adjacent containers. What are the consequences ? The buffer overflow can crash a program…

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What’s JAVA 3D? Java 3D is an addition to Java for displaying three-dimensional graphics (3D) using a true object-oriented approach. Java 3D and its documentation are available for download separately, they are not part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). With the use of Java 3D, it is easy to create virtual worlds with lighting, texture mapping, behaviors, and other features that immerse users in a visual and interactive experience. Indeed, Java 3D allows you to create virtual worlds complete…

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The DSDM Method

The DSDM Method

What’s the DSDM? DSDM stands for Dynamic Systems Development Method. It is an agile project delivery framework. In order to understand what is a DSDM method, we have to understand first what are a project management method and an agile management. What’s a project management method? Back in the 90’s, there was an increasing pressure on organizations to deliver working solutions to business problems in ever shorter time scales without compromising quality. Business leaders were frustrated by costly rigid or…

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CSS Grid

CSS Grid

What’s CSS Grid? The CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional grid-based layout system based on both columns and rows. Thanks to this feature, Grid is the most powerful layout system currently available in CSS, even more than the CSS Flexbox layout which a one-dimensional system. How to use it? Grid / Inline To get started, you have to create an html file where you define all your containers. I’ll let you do it without any clues because I know you…

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