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Auteur/autrice : Thibault Jolivet



When it comes to database and DBMS (Data Base Management System), one question should come to mind : Should I use SQL (Structured Query Language) or NoSQL (Not Only SQL or No SQL) databases.Well, it depends on every projects. Both systems will store your datas but each of them has its way. The primary difference is that SQL databases are relational while NoSQL databases are non-relational. Then, NoSQL databases have dynamic schema for unstructured data while SQL databases use structured…

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React Native for Mobile apps

React Native for Mobile apps

React Native is one of the most used language in native mobile app development. Created by Facebook, it runs on the same library as React JS. React Native combines the best parts of native development with React, a JavaScript Library (check my article for more information on React JS).Over the past few years, the interest for this language has been increasing nonstop, puting it as one of the best solution for mobile apps, but WHY ?? 1/ Fast technology…

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Project Design

Project Design

Project Design is one of the most important first steps regarding a successful project. During this process, the strategy is to organize ideas, tools and processes in order to achieve a goal. 1/ What is it ? During the Project Design phase, the ways to manage the project are defined.A document is made, the « Design file », where for instance, description of the project, roles, goals and timing are described. A good design enable to avoid traps in the middle of…

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Databreach – 2020 : worst year on record

Databreach – 2020 : worst year on record

Risk Based Security, a global leader in vunerability intelligence, breach data and risk ratings, revealed that the number of records exposed in 2020 is close to 36 billion.There were actually 2,953 publicly reported breaches in the first three quarters of 2020. The third quarter added 8.3 billion records to what was already the « worst year on record ». 1/ What type of data is breached ? Names, email adresses and passwords are the most exposed data types of the year. 2/…

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React JS

React JS

Developed by Facebook, React JS is an OpenSource Javascript library that allows the building of user interfaces (UI). It enables to create complicated UI from isolated little pieces of code called « component ». It is only concerned with what you can see on the front-end level.Before React JS, programmers had to « build » UIs by hand. Now, with React JS, you just describe what you want and React will build the UI on your behalf in the web browser. 1/ IntroductionReactJS has…

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Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0 (SDL2)

Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0 (SDL2)

Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform software development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D graphics hardware through OpenGL (Open Graphic Library) and 2D video framebuffer.The library is internally written in C, works natively in C++ and there are bindings available for several other languages, including C# and Python. 1/ IntroductionSDL was created by Sam LANTINGA. He got the idea to create a cross-platform media interface by porting popular games from Windows to Linux.The…

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PMI/PMBOK Methodology

PMI/PMBOK Methodology

The PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) methodology has been created by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It’s a guide book which gather all the knowledges in Project Management.The first editon was published in 1996 as A guide to the project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Since, six editions have been published. 1/ IntroductionThe guide documents and describes the basics and practices in Project Management, applicabled to most projects.This methodology is divided in five processes : Initiating ; Planning…

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La propriété position en CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

La propriété position en CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

La propriété position en CSS permet de positionner les éléments différemment du cours normal du document. Il existe 5 principaux types de positionnement différents :1/ Static2/ Relative3/ Absolute4/ Fixed5/ Sticky 1/ StaticIl s’agit de la valeur par défaut. L’élément suivra le cours normal du document. Ici le second carré est positionné en « static ». 2/ RelativeIl s’agit d’un positionnement assez proche du « static« . L’élément est positionné tout d’abord dans le cours normal du document. Par la suite, il est possible de…

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