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Auteur/autrice : Stéphane Cadeck



Réussir la phase de conception d’un projet La phase de définition du projet est une étape importante avant la réalisation. Elle structure, organise, planifie le projet.  1) Définir les objectifs du projet C’est le point de départ d’un projet. Il est essentiel de clarifier les objectifs du projet, ce que l’on attend de vous (ce qui est livrable, les délais, les budgets…). Il est indispensable d’écrire cela dans un document, afin de ne pas laisser de place aux malentendus, et…

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Cybersécurité : nouvelles technologies, dangers inchangés Introduction Le tout numérique entraîne inévitablement l’augmentation des cyberattaques. Particuliers, entreprises, ou encore gouvernements, personne ne semble épargné. 5G : « Il n’y a pas de raison pour que ce soit plus dangereux, mais cela nécessite des efforts » Une récente étude du cabinet de conseil Deloitte met en avant que nombre de leurs clients s’inquiètent des risques de cyberattaques liés au deploiement des réseaux 5G. Afin d’éclaircir ce sujet, Siècle Digital a rencontré…

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Introduction: Svelte: the lightweight framework for fast mobile applications on the Web JavaScript has long been indispensable for creating attractive web content. To achieve this, web developers first had to know the programming language, a task that not everyone had the time or desire to master. However, some frameworks offer developers a framework in which even the complex functions of JavaScript can be executed automatically. This considerably reduces the programming effort. On the contrary, most frameworks overload the browser. Svelte…

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Definition: Javadoc is a tool developed by Oracle, allowing to create API documentation in HTML format from the comments present in a source code in Java. Originally designed by Sun Microsystems (before its acquisition by Oracle), javadoc is the industry standard for documentation of Java classes. Most IDEs automatically generate javadoc in HTML format. Tags Javadoc: When commenting on source code, Java developers can signal that a comment needs to be embedded in the documentation using special syntax. A Java…

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Gantt’s method is a method of scheduling tasks developed by Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer, around 1910. Gantt diagram: Gantt then developed a diagram to improve the organization of the workshops. It is used to manage projects with a large number of tasks, as the tool is now usable for all types of projects. It is so effective that it is still the most effective way to list the activities necessary to carry out its projects. Symbolized by an…

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Who is IAFACTORY? IAFACTORY is the factory of information architecture. It is an independent studio specializing in design that offers services in web ergonomics, information architecture, design experience, UX: audit, wireframing *, prototyping, optimizations. * Wireframing is the most visible part of UI design interface design techniques. UX iafactory design activities are structured around 3 poles: on the one hand, study and design services in information architecture and functional interface design. On the other, training in the disciplines of AI…

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Veille Technologique sur les ANIMATIONS en CSS

Veille Technologique sur les ANIMATIONS en CSS

CSS animations allow you to create transitions between two formatting states. An animation is described by two things: properties specific to the animation on the one hand and a set of steps (keyframes *) which indicate the initial, final and possibly intermediate states on the other. *A keyframe in animation is a drawing or shot that defines the start and end points of any smooth transition. How to configure the animation? To create a CSS animation, you must use the…

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