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Auteur/autrice : Raul Hernandez

Encapsulation in Java

Encapsulation in Java

One of the most important features of object-oriented programming is encapsulation. This feature allows us to isolate the data of our objects from the access of other external objects, and thus restrict direct access to the attributes or methods that we do not want to allow, since the state of an object is generally hidden. To define visibility in Java, reserved words are available : Public Allows access from any class to any method or attribute defined with this modifier….

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Event Delegation in JavaScript

Event Delegation in JavaScript

1.- Event The events are actions that occur when we interact with a web, for example, when we click on a button, write in an input text. They are the way html and javascript interact. When an event is triggered, the browser notifies the application that something has happened and that it needs to be handled. Events are controlled by javascript functions, so when that event occurs, the browser alerts our function that is listening that it should be executed….

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BEM is a highly useful, powerful, and easy naming convention for CSS class names that makes your front-end code less complicated to examine and understand, less complicated to work with, less complicated to scale, extra strong, explicit, and extra strict. A BEM class name includes up to three parts: [BLOCKS]__[ELEMENTS]–[MODIFIERS] [BLOCKS]= .block{} The first element of the component is defined as the block and  represents the highest level of an abstraction or component. The most common blocks are : <header>, <aside>,…

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