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Auteur/autrice : Pierre Baudino

SQL Index and co.

SQL Index and co.

In research progress in development, we need to have a good structure of our DataBase. Today I will show you the importance of a great organisation in your Data! His name is “index”. First of all, what are the basics of this idea? Based on: … What that: Structured Query Language (SQL). What for? Permit a communication with the database. How? Allow to write scripts. Ok, now we can begin : First of all: How to use index? To fully understand…

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Data Protections.

Data Protections.

In research progress in development, you must keep in mind the protection for your data. Today i will show you dependency of protetcions. It has a lot of name, because it has a lot of breaches. First of all, what are the basics of this idea ? Based on : Here I use SQL langage What that : It’s a langage uses to manipulate database. What for ? It’s to create and manipulate information. How ? With scripts and that’s why it’s dangerous. Ok, now…

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Exception (Java)

Exception (Java)

Ok now we can begin: First of all: How to keep calm? Breath and read calmly all information throw at you. How to use? It’s written just after that. Is it ok ? Now we can finally use it ! First step and first example. Take a code where it asks for birthday. You can write a birthday like what’s you have been asking for or you can do like Paul and writes his name on the sentence. First possibility to do…

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Three.js Requirement : Basics knowledge on JavaScript. Tips: To begin a strong and fast project you can use vite.js but it needs vue.js. By this way you can import easily and have a render without recharging the page. To resume, Vite is a local server for developers. Vite.js: First of all, what are the basics of Three.js ? Based on : Java script. What that : It’s a langage on object. What for ? To build a scene. How ? There are three important’s…

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Materialize css.

Materialize css. Materialize css. In research about progress in development, frameworks show up as sources of good ideas it’s not new. But today i will show you a little piece of framework that can be helpful to have a really good looking website. Its name is : Materialize. First of all, what are the basics of this framework ? Based on : Material Design What that : Css language, inspired by nature , physical and texture. What for ? Transform some brutal aspects of fluid…

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