The <canvas> element

The <canvas> element

<canvas> is an HTML5 element that allows the creation and manipulation of graphical elements (paths, shapes, text, bitmap images) via a scripting language, most often JavaScript.

All modern browsers support it natively, and can render it using hardware acceleration.

To start, we add the following tag to the page, specifying the width and height attributes:

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400" height="200"></canvas>

Drawing lines

Let’s draw a primitive C using two lines:

        // find canvas element in DOM
        var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");

        //context object provides drawing methods
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

        ctx.moveTo(100, 50);    // start C at x=100, y=50
        ctx.lineTo(50, 100);    // middle of C is 50px behind, 50px below
        ctx.lineTo(100, 150);   // end of C is back at x=100, but y=150
        ctx.lineWidth = 10;     // set line width to 10px
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#007bff';    // set line color to blue
        ctx.stroke();   // apply stroke to canvas

Drawing a shape

Now, let’s add a D using the context method arc. It accepts the following arguments:

    ctx.beginPath(); // new path
    // arc:  center | r | circle top | circle bottom | clockwise
    ctx.arc(150, 100, 50, 1.5*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI);
    ctx.closePath();    // close off the left part of the D
    ctx.fillStyle = '#FFA800';  // solid orange fill
    ctx.fill();                 // apply fill to canvas
    ctx.stroke();               // apply stroke to canvas
    // stroke color is still #007bff, and width still 10px

Drawing text

Next up, we’ll write an A using the context method fillText:

    ctx.font = '150px Arial, sans-serif'; // text properties 
    ctx.textAlign = "center";    // horizontally centered on origin
    ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; // vertically centered on origin
    ctx.fillText('A', 270, 115); // write 'A', specifying origin
    // fill stays '#FFA800', as before.  

Manipulating <canvas> with JavaScript

Finally, let’s write a pulse function that makes the letter A grow and shrink cyclically.

    var scale, angle = 0;
    function pulse() {
        angle += 0.05;  // increment angle so that cosinus
                        // changes cyclically from -1 to 1
        scale = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle));  // scale from 0 to 1
        // clear right of canvas starting from x=210px (after 'D')
        ctx.clearRect(210, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        ctx.setTransform(scale,    // X scale, from 0 to 1
                            0,     // vertical skewing
                            0,     // horizontal skewing 
                            scale, // Y scale, from 0 to 1
                            270-270*scale, // horizontal translation:
        // Transform origin is 0,0 so translation must be 0 when scale 
        // is 1, and 270 when scale is 0
                            115-115*scale);// vertical translation
        ctx.fillText('A', 270, 115);  // apply transformed text;
        requestAnimationFrame(pulse); // tell browser to call function
                                      // again when ready to repaint.

Final words

This brief introduction to <canvas> only scratches the surface of what it can do to help build complex applications and games. It is now mature and widely adopted across the web. With the decline of native apps and the rise of web apps, its importance can only increase in the years ahead.

Erik Shea


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